Crime Reports
Published 11:00 am Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Oxford Police Department
5 suspicious activities
1 civil matter
2 disturbances
1 careless driving
1 shoplifting
1 grand larceny
1 obstructing traffic
1 counterfeit currency
1 false pretense
3 alarms
1 welfare concern
48 traffic citations
7 wrecks
2 warrants served
1 shoplifting
1 speeding, driving while license suspended, no seatbelt and no insurance
Sheriff’s Department
2 alarms
1 animal complaint
7 disturbances
1 juvenile complaint
1 malicious mischief
5 service calls
3 suspicious activities
1 harassing phone calls warrant
1 domestic violence with simple assault
1 simple assault warrant
University Police
2 service calls
No arrests
How you can help
To report information about a crime, call Crimestoppers at 662-234-8477.
Oxford Fire Department
No activity to report.
Lafayette County Fire
At 1:30 p.m. to 337 Highway 7 N. for an alarm but were canceled en route.
At 6:15 p.m. to 844 CR 313 after cooking set off an alarm.
Lafayette County EMS
5 ambulance calls