County moving in right direction
Published 12:00 pm Monday, December 14, 2015
Last week the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors received proposals from three companies that will update the county’s current growth plan or create a new one.
Growth was a hot topic during election season and continues to be on the majority’s mind, as Lafayette County’s population is estimated to reach 70,000 by 2037. The supervisors are moving in the right direction by reviewing proposals from consulting firms and preparing for the future.
County engineer Larry Britt suggested forming a committee to review the proposals, received by A-2H, PLLC and Slaughter & Associates of Oxford and Center for Planning Excellence of Baton Rouge. Britt proposed the committee be formed with a couple supervisors, a couple members of the planning commission, county attorney David O’Donnell, Circuit Clerk Sherry Wall and himself.
As the supervisors review proposals and make decisions for Lafayette County’s next comprehensive plan, we encourage county residents to get in touch with their representative and voice their opinion. Many important topics are on the line as matters like economic and industrial growth and zoning are brought up. It’s critical that you let your voice be heard now when the board is in the preliminary stages of creating the next comprehensive plan.
At the supervisors’ meeting last Monday, it was stated they aim to revise, develop and implement land use requirements from the comprehensive plan. How the supervisors decide to move forward could affect what you can and can’t build on your property and what businesses can and can’t come into the county. These decisions will affect employment opportunities and the quality of life of all the county’s residents.
Help the supervisors make the most educated decision by telling them about your experience of living in Lafayette County and what makes it a great place to call home. Even better, suggest ways that would increase your quality of life and make Lafayette County a more appealing place for your children or grandchildren to plant roots.
Your supervisors were elected to represent you, and are working toward creating a new comprehensive plan to ensure Lafayette County remains one of the finest places to live in Mississippi. Do your part by reaching out and giving them some information that may be helpful in the decision-making process.