Lafayette County School Board Meeting agenda
Published 6:00 am Sunday, January 31, 2016
Lafayette County School Board Meeting
Monday, 5:30 p.m.
Lafayette Elementary School Library
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice.
Unless removed from the consent agenda and placed under discussion I action, items identified within consent agenda will be acted on at one time with no discussion.
1. In the matter of agenda
A. Adopt agenda
2. In the matter of minutes:
A. Adopt minutes
3. In district matters:
A. Approve K, L, and M Policies
B. Approve TE2 l Contract
C. Approve Policy JHAA-Prom Policy
D. Approve Policy GBC revision
E. Approve 2016-2017 District School Calendar
F. Approve LES Afterschool Program fees
G. Approve LES required registration documents
H. Approve revised 2015-2016 School Calendar
4. In fiscal matters:
A. Review Financial Statements for December 2015
B. Approve January 2016 Claim Dockets and Activity Funds
C. Approve LCSD Inventory Deletions
D. Approve Rivalry donation
E. Approve TECH Inventory Deletions
5. In personnel matters:
A. Approve Recommendations
B. Approve Resignations/Dismissal
C. Approve Change of Positions
6. In student matters:
A. Approve Student Transfers/Releases
7. In transportation matters:
A. Approve trips
8. In district office matters:
A. Superintendent’s Report
9. In information matters:
10. In executive session:
11. In Closing
A. Adjournment