Resource is available for testing

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Students statewide are gearing up for the Mississippi Assessment Program tests, which will be given during the April 25 through May 17 time frame.

In order to better help parents and family members prepare their children and know what’s going on, the Mississippi Department of Education has created resources that can be found online.

It goes beyond just being sure your child has gotten enough sleep these days before the standardized tests are given. So much is riding on a good performance for children, parents, school districts and the state.

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To ease that pressure, the resources include frequently asked questions, links to practice tests and a preview of the online testing environment. The materials will let a parent sit down with their child at a computer and look over some of the types of questions that will be asked.

This is good on so many levels. It’s smart for parents to know what’s going on with their child in school and it can be a bonding time between them. Parental support is so crucial to a child’s success inside and outside of the classroom.

To learn more, and help your child succeed, visit