What time is the Perseid meteor shower 2016 tonight?
Published 9:16 am Thursday, August 11, 2016
It’s time for the Perseid meteor shower 2016 tonight and it is going to be quite a show — one of the best Perseids meteor showers in years.
NASA says it will be a cosmic display of shooting stars tonight.
“Known for it’s fast and bright meteors, the annual Perseid meteor shower is anticipated to be one of the best potential meteor viewing opportunities this year,” NASA says.
The Perseid meteor shower can be seen tonight, August 11, 2016 through early tomorrow morning, August 12 2016.
The best viewing time will be night, of course. We can only hope for clear skies.
The best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower tonight is between 10 p.m. central and the early morning hours the next day. So that means the night of August 11 (Thursday) is the best viewing time.
The best bet though may be to watch live stream courtesy of NASA from about midnight to dawn Friday morning. Here is where you can watch NASA’s live stream.
The Perseids show up every year in August when Earth ventures through trails of debris left behind by an ancient comet. This year, Earth may be in for a closer encounter than usual with the comet trails that result in meteor shower, setting the stage for a spectacular display.
The Perseids are frequently the best meteor shower stargazers get to see all year so they are highly anticipated. NASA says this year’s Perseid shower will be better than usual, too.
“Forecasters are predicting a Perseid outburst this year with double normal rates on the night of Aug. 11-12,” said Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office, according to NASA. “Under perfect conditions, rates could soar to 200 meteors per hour.”
The good news is that watching the Perseid meteor showers are easy: just look up to the sky. No special equipment is needed. But, your eyes can have to adjust 45 minutes to the darkness to really see the show, according to NASA.