Respect for the office of President
Published 10:35 am Thursday, January 19, 2017
Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be inaugurated as President and Vice President of the United States of America on Friday, and it is a critical moment for this country.
Never has our country approached an inauguration day with so much contention. The campaign was bitter and President-elect Trump takes a different approach than history is used to for a national leader, including daily direct tweets and verbally attacking those who speak out against him.
Such activity has led to historically low approval ratings for a man about to be sworn in as president of the United States.
But the Office of Presidency of this great and strong nation must hold a level of respect from us all, regardless of whether or not we like the person filling it. And it is therefore important for Americans to maintain a level of dignity so that we can live together in peace and respect while we navigate this new style of leadership.
We know for certain that this job will be more difficult than Mr. Trump imagines. The responsibility with the office is so great that no person could ever imagine until standing in the shoes.
We also know as Americans that we are the real fabric and integrity of this country. So on inauguration day and beyond, America will be as it has been before: As good as we make it.