City approves sale of water to Punkin Water Association

Published 9:08 am Thursday, October 17, 2019

After several attempts to hammer out a contract, the City of Oxford and Punkin Water Association came to an agreement on Tuesday.

During the Board of Aldermen’s regular meeting, they approved a resolution to sell water to PWA.

The initial contract is for a five-year term once water is first provided to PWA. After five years, the contract can be continued until either party provides written notification to the other of its intention to terminate the agreement. The written notification must be provided no less than a year in advance of the planned termination date.

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This is one of the conditions required by the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission before lifting the moratorium placed on PWA would be considered. The association has to also fulfill conditions placed on them by the Public Service Commission, including conducting a flush test through their pipes.

Listed in the contract with the City, PWA must ensure they will be able to connect to the City’s supply lines by building required items at their own cost. Those items include a 14-inch water distribution line from Campground Road to a proposed metering station located at the western boundary of PWA’s certificated area; a four-inch metering station to be constructed and installed at the metering station’s connection point; a 12-inch water distribution line from the proposed metering station to County Road 334, which will incorporate sections of existing 16-inch water main installed by the City as part of the Sisk Avenue Extended project.

The City will be responsible for reading the meter on a regular basis so as to provide an accurate calculation of the number of gallons purchased each month. The City will also be responsible for repairing and maintaining the meters.

At any time before the City provides water, PWA can cancel the agreement immediately.