Raymond “Skipper” Swartzfager, Jr

Published 11:50 am Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Long-standing Laurel citizen Raymond “Skipper” Swartzfager, Jr. died on January 22, 2022.
Skipper was the son of Martha Ann Brophy and Raymond C. Swartzfager, Sr. Skipper was born on February 2, 1938. He graduated from Gardiner High School in Laurel. He said the best day of his life was when he married his high-school sweetheart, Sydney Overstreet, also a Laurel native, while they were students at Millsaps College. After college, Skipper attended law school at Ole Miss, where his first child was born. Skipper would smile when he recalled he could not have supported his young wife and new baby through law school, without his regular winnings at the poker table at the Phi Delt house at Ole Miss.
Skipper returned to Laurel to practice law in May, 1963. He later served Laurel as City Attorney and City Judge. Over the years he helped many people who needed a friend to guide them to a
better direction in their lives; they will miss his wise counsel and empathy. He enjoyed the fellowship of his friends in several civic clubs in Laurel.
Skipper led a blessed life in his free time, too. He was an avid coin collector; a member of Numismatics International; his knowledge of the field was encyclopedic. He reminisced about watching his children growing up in Laurel, and he loved each of them unconditionally. He always looked forward to a round of golf, or wetting a fishing line, especially with his grandchildren, and he always gave as good a tale as he got.
Later in his life, more often than not, he was a frustrated fan of the Saints, Braves and Rebels, but always tuned in for more. As a fan of his teams, as in his life, his motto was “Illegitimi non carborundum.”
He is survived by his sweetheart, Sydney; his daughter, Marty Dunbar (John); daughter, Mimi Clark (Kenny); and son, Raymond C. Swatzfager, III “Trace”. He adored his five grandchildren, Leigh Ann, Peter, Andrew, Sam, and Lauren, and his four great-grandchildren.
Skipper was a devout Episcopalian. He served on the Vestry at his beloved St John’s in Laurel and sang with gusto in the choir there.
Visitation was held at St John’s on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 beginning at 1:00 p.m., was followed by the service at 2:00 p.m.
To view and sign the online guest book, visit www.memorychapellaurel.com.