Regents of Oxford begins selling tickets for annual ‘Supermarket Sweep’

Published 3:00 pm Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Regents School of Oxford began selling tickets for their “Supermarket Sweep” fundraiser on Tuesday as they continue to grow closer to breaking ground on a new campus.

The school will sell $20 raffle tickets for a chance to win an eight-minute shopping spree courtesy of Larson’s CashSaver.

The drawing for the winner will be held at noon on Feb. 10, with the actual sweep coming the following day at 7 a.m.

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Tickets can be purchased on the Regents School of Oxford Facebook page, Instagram or at this link.

The school will also sell tickets at CashSaver the week leading up to the drawing.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards the construction of a new campus for the school.

Participants are welcome to enter their own name, but Regents encourages the victor to donate their winnings to a charity of their choice.

They first partnered with CashSaver for their annual fundraiser in 2021, raising $31,000 in the first year of the contest and $35,000 in 2022.

The school has set a target goal of $6 million to break ground on the new campus. They currently have $5.25 million in their general construction fund.

They set a target of $50,000 this year with the hope that it will allow them to break ground on the new campus as soon as they hit the total goal.