Letter to the Editor: ‘Elites getting wealthy while disabled vets suffer’

Published 7:25 am Saturday, May 27, 2023

Dear Editor,

Our disabled veterans are grossly under compensated. They’ve been asking various Congresses and Administrations for fair and adequate compensation since the end of WWI in November 1918, 104 years ago.

In FY2023 a totally disabled veteran with no dependents is compensated at the ridiculous rate of $43,463.40 dollars annually. The National Average Wage Index (NAWI) for 2021 was $60,575.07 dollars per annum and the median income for 2021 was $70,784. The per capita GDP in 2021 was $69,288 dollars, among the highest in the world.

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They are only compensated for projected lost wages and not including a ‘loss of quality of life’ payment. U.S. courts now routinely award quality of life payments in any judgment concerning personal injury cases.

Disabled veterans realize that they are being manipulated by our tax evading Elites who use campaign donations to Congress people in order to keep veterans’ compensation low so as to ensure a low tax rate for themselves. It is open but legal theft from the poor and disabled by the rich and powerful by the Investor Class of wealthy Elites who constantly strive to get something for nothing from a willing Congress.

Our disabled veterans are painfully aware of this disparity in society. It is a very dangerous situation for all of us.

So, we can levy at least a penny tax on every dollar traded on the stock market to pay for the compensation due to our disabled veterans. The New York Stock Exchange alone traded about 1.46 billion shares a day in 2019. There are presently 13 separate stock exchanges operating in the USA.

This is now a national security problem.

Once our youth fully understand that should they enlist in the armed forces and subsequently be seriously injured or sickened in the line of duty then they are looking at a lifetime of near poverty as disabled veterans and this realization among our young people will cause the armed forces to collapse quickly. In fact, that has already started. Enlistments are evaporating.

No one wants to be played for a fool, not even a young person. And that is what we are doing, playing our youth for fools.

We have no right to expect our youth to make a lifetime sacrifice like this so that our Elites can evade a fair level of taxation. Congress must act now to correct this injustice. Be warned.

Lyle Hubbard