DAR presents Community Service Award
Published 9:00 am Tuesday, December 24, 2024
- Abi Rayburn, recipient of the National Community Service Award, with Sally Malone, first vice regent, and Melinda Freeman, David Reese Chapter regent. (Contributed)
The David Reese Chapter, NSDAR, Oxford, awarded their 2024 National Community Service Award to Abi Rayburn at their December meeting.
Abi Rayburn was chosen by the chapter based on her many years of service to the Oxford-Lafayette County community, particularly her service as a 25-year Heart of the South Girl Scout leader, who helped with the DAR flag retirement ceremonies for many years.
In addition, she chaired the Girl Scout day camp each summer and housed the Girl Scout cookies at her home for 17 years! She modeled leadership by completing the Woodbadge training and earning her beads. She is a member of the Order of the Arrow.
Abi also volunteers at her church, First Baptist of Oxford, in the nursery, as a member of the benevolence team, and in annual mission trips to Brazil.
She is a member of the Cedar Oaks Guild and served twice as president.
“Abi has been a good friend to our chapter,” said chapter Regent Melinda Freeman, “and we are proud to honor her with this national award.”