New pacemaker, minus one lead, is good
Published 3:45 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2025
- Steve Stricker
By Steve Stricker
Dr. Mark Campbell, Autum, Derek, Dorothy (Oxford Stern Cardiovascular Clinic Staff), Vallery, Carlen, Katlan, Madison (In-room preparation and monitoring), Dr. Mark, Derek, Caleb, Olivia, Shelby, Maddie, “Tiger,” (Surgery). Couldn’t remember all those terrific staff.
Now picture INDY, NASCAR Pit Crews and Synchronized Swimmers in full motion and that will give you some visualization as to how these wonderful Oxford Baptist Hospital Staff worked extremely well together! Each doing their own thing, practiced, precise, under each other, no collisions – so awesome; impressive, professional, well done – THANK YOU!
It might seem odd, but I actually enjoyed this experience of having my pacemaker replaced on Thursday, January 23, for two reasons: the eight year battery was nearly depleted; new Medtronic Pacemaker had three instead of two leads, a biventricular pacemaker or, “cardiac resynchronization” (CRT) device to help regulate abnormal heart rhythms, strengthen the heart, and improve the Ejaculation Fraction (EF) to more normal levels.
Echo October 14, EF 30%; Nuclear Stress Test October 31, “Perfect” no blockage, but Echocardiogram January 14, EF 25% considered severe heart failure normal 50% – so Dr. Mark said let’s go ahead and replace your old pacemaker with the new improved one for more energy, EF and due for replacement anyway.
For this procedure on Thursday, January 23, due at hospital at 7:00 am, had to have a driver, so at 6:30 am, my dear friend from St. John’s, Jerry Marquette, graciously, thankfully, picked me up, drove the short distance to Baptist, and I was signed in at exactly 6:45 am.
Shortly after, Carlen retrieved me, to a room, where she and Katlan in perfect pitstop nutsy synchronization prepared me for surgery. Then considerable wait until around 9:45am when Olivia took me to surgery. By 10:15am or so, that wonderful surgical crew, again in crazy-wild-organized pitstop fashion, had me prepared for my hero, Dr. Mark Campbell to replace my old pacemaker.
For the surgery, I was awake most of the time and it was an awesome experience to hear the medical chatter, make comments myself, and to feel Dr. Mark pounding and pulling me about.
The procedure was finished around 12:30 pm, I think. Olivia took me back to the room where RN Madison, so fun, took such great care of me until Dr. Mark, who had other procedures, finally arrived at 3:45 pm.
Being told I would have more energy with this new device, had been monitoring how I felt and there was no difference. Dr. Mark reported that the new pacemaker was inserted (I had the old dear friend pacemaker by my side), but the new Medtronic pacemaker had three leads instead of two and he could not get that new third lead that went into the vein and back of the heart inserted because “biologically” the vein was too small…..
Well…this is just the way my life rolls – ain’t nothin ever easy. Dr. Mark said there were two other procedures to correct this, both requiring another surgery like this one, so although somewhat frustrated, trust Dr. Campell totally, God had me, and there’s a reason for this.
Reading this on Wednesday, January 29, the same day I’ll meet with Dr. Mark and his staff to clean up and evaluate this new pacemaker procedure and what’s next. Stay tuned.
Thank you to all my true friends who prayed for me, Dr. Campbell, his staff, and ALL the wonderful staff at Baptist, Jerry, and St. John’s friends – I LOVE YOU!
I give my life every day to God for his will only be done and again accept my death as I did in Vietnam if I could no longer serve him.
Steve lives in Oxford, will die here, and has his Ph.D., in Counseling from Ole Miss.