
Coffee shop talk more questions than answers

By Harold Brummett Denmark Star Route Drinking coffee poured right out of the pot often is too hot ...


Sen. Wicker must stop Bernie’s push towards socialized medicine

By Billy Landes Guest columnist Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker just introduced legislation to stop the government from forcing ...


Primary runoff April 2

Absentee voting open A runoff for the 2nd Congressional District’s Republican nominee will be held Tuesday, April 2, ...


Goon Squad: Veteran judge was right jurist for a tough job

By Sid Salter Columnist Mississippians watched along with the rest of the nation to see whether justice would ...


City receives $2M for connector road

Will link University and Commonwealth The city of Oxford was awarded $2 million for the future University Avenue-Commonwealth ...


Medicaid expansion fight not over yet

By Russ Latino Magnolia Tribune When the Mississippi House of Representatives voted to fully expand Medicaid at the ...


Democrats across Mississippi gearing up for county conventions

Following the successful precinct caucuses that took place last month on Feb. 23, Democrats across all 82 counties ...


Auditor says classroom spending down

Administration costs grew 6.51 percent Mississippi continues to prioritize spending on administration over spending inside the classroom, according ...


County Dems set convention date

All Lafayette County Democrats are invited to the County Convention on Saturday, March 23, at 10 a.m. at ...


Medicaid work requirements a possible Biden compromise?

By Sid Salter Columnist The current effort to make a partial expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care ...


Lafayette County residents vote for Wicker, Black

Lafayette County voted on par with most of Mississippi in the primary election Tuesday evening. On the Republican ...


Mississippi primary election on Tuesday

Lafayette County voters will take to the polls Tuesday for primary elections. Polls will be open from 7 ...


Sen. Boyd named Top 50 influential people in the state

Sen. Nicole Akins Boyd was named as one of Mississippi’s Top 50 most influential people. Mississippi Top 50 ...


View sample ballots for March 12 election

To view details, click on the ballot.


Absentee voting deadline Saturday

For in-person balloting; mail-ins next week The Lafayette County Circuit Court Clerk’s office will be open this Saturday to ...


OMS students serve as Senate pages


Working poor getting health care is economic development

By Sid Salter Columnist In recent decades, Mississippi has defied the odds in economic development. Landing first Nissan ...


Lafayette County Democratic Convention to be held later this month

All Lafayette County Democrats are invited to the upcoming Lafayette County Convention. The event will be held at ...


Let’s see health care as a civil right

Sandra C. Melvin Guest Columnist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice ...


Free parking days approved

During its regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 20, the Oxford Board of Aldermen approved the days when there will ...


Calls to change MAEP funding formula have consequences

By Sid Salter Columnist The Mississippi Adequate Education Formula had its genesis almost 30 years ago in politics ...


PERS casts a long shadow for lawmakers

By Sid Salter Columnist Mississippi Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann recently identified the long-term financial stability of the Mississippi’s ...

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