Crime Report: Friday, Sept. 11
Published 12:00 pm Friday, September 11, 2015
Neighborhood Watch
A listing of local burglaries supplied by law enforcement agencies to warn residents to take extra security precautions:
The Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department reported one residential burglary on County Road 198.
Oxford Police
Officers investigated nine wrecks, issued 27 tickets and made 20 arrests on the following charges:
Careless driving, no driver’s license, no insurance and DUI
Three for public intoxication
Noise violation
Two for careless driving and DUI
Careless driving, possession of drug paraphernalia, no insurance, no seat belt and DUI
Three open containers
Three for public intoxication and fake ID
Fake ID
Minor in possession of alcohol and open container
Two for minor in possession of alcohol
Speeding and minor in possession of alcohol
Five suspicious activities
Three noise violations
Public intoxication
Four alarms
Two scams
Two careless driving complaints
Two civil matters
Two welfare checks
Three animal complaints
911 hang-up
Ambulance assist
Two for improper parking
Two disturbances
Petty theft
House burglary (See above)
Malicious mischief
University Police
Officers investigated three wrecks and the following reports:
Six service calls
Vehicle fire
Two vandalism complaints
Citation for possession of beer by person under 21
Possession of drug paraphernalia and no taillights
Intoxicated person
Sheriff’s Department
Deputies made three arrests on the following charges:
Petty theft
Public drunkenness
Two disturbances
Domestic violence
Grand theft
Petty theft
10 service calls
Suspicious activity
Two transports
Grass fire
Unauthorized use of a vehicle
Traffic complaint
How you can help
To report information about a crime, call Crimestoppers at 662-234-8477.
Oxford Fire Department
Firefighters responded to the following calls:
Workers sanding sheet rock activated a smoke detector at 2:50 p.m. at 402 North 14th St. No. 3; no fire
Smoke detector malfunction at 3:48 p.m. at the Sigma Pi house on campus; no fire
Vehicle fire at 4:23 p.m. at Crosby Hall on campus; extinguished
Burned food activated a smoke detector at 1:56 this morning at Stockard Hall on campus; no fire
Lafayette County Fire
Firefighters responded to one fire call but details were unavailable this morning.
County EMS
Twelve EMS calls were reported in the county.