Local artists will have chance to create Double Decker poster art
Published 12:00 pm Thursday, November 19, 2015
In past years, the art and artist selected to be represented on the Double Decker Arts Festival posters and T-shirts was done through the selection process where the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council chose a couple of artists and asked them to create something representing the festival. The council would then select the one they thought encompassed the festival the best.
This year, that opportunity is being given to all area artists who want to try to capture the feeling of the festival and submit their artwork for consideration.
Lee Ann Stubbs, Double Decker coordinator, said artists living in Lafayette County could submit an application by Nov. 25 with their art concept that must include the Double Decker bus and 2016. Later the name of sponsors and musical acts will be added.
The artist selected will not only have their art displayed on all Double Decker posters and T-shirts, but will receive a free booth at the festival to sell any of their artwork.
“It’s a new thing for us this year,” Stubbs said Wednesday during the regular meeting of the Oxford Tourism Council. “But we’re really excited to see what people turn in. We already have several applicants.”
Applications can be downloaded from www.facebook.com/doubledeckerfestival/?fref=ts and it and the artwork can be mailed, emailed (photos) or dropped off to Stubbs at 1013 Jackson Avenue East, Oxford MS 38655 or leeann@visitoxfordms.com. For more information, call 662-232-2477.