Hayden Fudiciary firm adds Bolger, Clanton
Published 6:00 am Sunday, December 6, 2015
- Back row- Rusty Bolger, Cade Clanton Front row- Morgan Turner, Brian Hayden
Two local professionals and business owners reunited recently at Hayden Fiduciary Management Firm Inc. after spending the last year apart.
Last October, Rusty Bolger left his high-stress, highly competitive career in the insurance business and pursued a lifelong dream of owning a family restaurant. He purchased the local pizzeria 6’nTubbs to bring New York-style pizza to Oxford.
He has now returned to Hayden Fiduciary Management Inc. and will serve as its primary insurance director on both personal and commercial lines coverage, utilizing his niche in the restaurant/bar marketplace.
In addition to Bolger, the firm has added associate producer Cade Clanton. Clanton graduated with a double BBA in risk management and insurance as well as real estate from the University of Mississippi in 2011, and completed his MBA in 2012. He previously worked as a service specialist for Halliburton Energy Services’ Global Pool.
The two employees join Brian Hayden, the company president, who has been pursuing his ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant) designation that will conclude by the end of 2015.
With a tax/retirement background, this designation provides the most comprehensive level of focus on financial planning as a whole.
The Hayden Firm, located on South 9th Street in Oxford, has grown in excess of 35 percent each year since 2010.
It was awarded within the top three American National firms each year since 2010, and has been No. 1 in two of those years among approximately 2,000 firms nationwide.
Every year since 2010, it has qualified and maintained MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table MDRT.org) membership producing among the top 1 percent of financial firms in the world.