Keep the EAGLE in the loop
Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The EAGLE has been accused on more than one occasion of hiding information and not relaying bad things that happen in Oxford and Lafayette County.
We want to reiterate to readers that we only know what residents and officials tell us. And even once a resident tells us something, we must confirm it with an official.
When rumors of a violent armed robbery on the Square were filtering around town Sunday and residents were all abuzz, we heard about it from reputable sources but could not confirm it with authorities, and therefore it was not in Monday’s paper.
In today’s age of Facebook and Twitter being people’s primary outlet for news, we want to encourage all residents and officials, whether it is law enforcement, government at City Hall and right on down to those running the computer program at Leisure Lifestyles, to stay in touch with us at the EAGLE day or night, weekend or weekday. Let us know when something happens and we can be the trusted go-to outlet for residents for accurate, fast and reliable news.
If it comes from us, residents can rest assured there are no rumors involved and it has been verified, at minimum, a couple times.
The EAGLE is now pushing news out on its website and social media like never before. Let us work for the community and you in the way a newspaper has always been intended, and do not hesitate to call, email, tweet, text or message us with anything and everything.