Some things just never change in the headlines
Published 9:29 am Thursday, March 17, 2016
While life goes on, some things stay the same, like the city of Oxford’s officials studying a parking garage a few years ago, saving lives on the water and from nicotine, students taking a stand and plenty of talk about Faulkner. See these excerpts from 2013, 2009, 1997, 1983 and 1973.
March 18, 2013
City revisits Square parking garage
New strict parking enforcement of the two-hour limit is keeping long-term parkers off the Square, but city officials are searching for more space for those who need to park for more than two hours.
Mayor Pat Patterson said a parking garage is back on the table as an option, and one the city is studying is about $6 million for a 300-slip garage, plus another $500,000 for engineering and architect work.
Two companies are working with the city on engineering services and to find a location for a garage.
March 17, 2009
New life jacket policy aims to save lives at lakes
Buckle up that life jacket this summer on Sardis Lake or you could leave the water with more than a sunburn.
Those not wearing the life-preservers could be ticketed while Sardis participates in a three-year mandatory life-jacket test program beginning May 22.
The U.S. Army Corps’ program is designed to evaluate if life jackets will reduce drownings.
March 14, 1997
For McLarty, Faulkner ‘just part of the job’
Dr. Chester McLarty’s claim to fame was delivering at least a thousand babies in the Oxford area, but many people also will appreciate his brainchild, the William Faulkner statue.
McLarty returned to Oxford after the war in 1946, just in time for a baby boom. Also that year Faulkner’s career boomed with “The Portable Faulkner.”
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Faulkner’s birth, the statue will be unveiled Sept. 25 in front of City Hall.
March 21, 1983
Stop-smoking clinic set
A 10-session experimental stop-smoking program has been scheduled by the University of Mississippi Department of Psychology and it will benefit students and Oxford area residents.
The course will be taught by advanced clinical psychology graduate students and all participants will receive advice and help in quitting and students will get feedback on physiological addiction to nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the body.
The course is $65 and participants will meet over several months through the summer.
March 14, 1973
Students protest ‘Images’ holdup
University of Mississippi students gathered to picket school officials for the school’s failure to release the 1972 issue of “Images,” the student literary magazine.
Officials said the issues involved had been “consistently misunderstood.” Last year the publication was not released for sale, alleging the magazine contained obscene passages. This year’s no-release was based on a different principle but did say there was obscenity present.
The University also said since it paid for the publication it reserves the right to not distribute it.