Congrats, UM Class of 2016
Published 12:00 pm Monday, May 16, 2016
Today we salute the more than 4,000 University of Mississippi graduates who walked across a stage Saturday and have now entered the next phase of life.
Oxford has been proud to have this group the past four years, or however many years it has taken to finish a degree.
The members of the Class of 2016 will have many memories from their final year in college. They will range from Oxford getting national news attention with the flag issue both in the city and on campus, to a winning and successful football season, to 2 a.m. snacks of grilled cheese at a secret restaurant on the Square.
We hope Oxford and Lafayette County provided a safe, secure and positive setting for earning a degree and learning more about adulthood.
Journalist Tom Brokaw spoke at commencement Saturday and reminded the Class of 2016, which is living in an age of violence and social media noise, that “real” experiences make the world a better place and their life a more cherished one.
We hope Ole Miss’ graduates have formed many real experiences, rather than thousands of selfies, and will reflect back fondly on their time here.
God bless and good wishes to you, graduates, in all of your future endeavors.