Board has a tough job to do
Published 12:00 pm Friday, June 3, 2016
The numbers don’t lie. Oxford Elementary School in the next three years will not have enough room to accommodate all of the youngsters that will need to learn in the Oxford School District.
The Oxford School Board made the bold move to skip three options presented by Superintendent Brian Harvey as solutions to the issue and went right for the big-ticket item of building a new elementary school using a $20 million to $25 million bond referendum. The board also approved a $54 million capital improvement project plan.
At this point both the referendum and plan are just that: plans. Later this month the school board will hear from the financial gurus about exactly how much ad valorem taxes would rise for residents if the referendum goes to a proposal and then goes out for a vote in the community.
Nobody really wants to bring home less money or have less money to work with at any point, so many people will not be in favor of a tax increase. A lot of Oxford residents have already paid their taxes, put a child or two through school and don’t want the extra expense.
Regardless of if a referendum is approved by the school board and then goes to the community for a vote, the school board members deserve a thank you for their service and for going full throttle for what children of Oxford need now and in the future.