Running group helps city
Published 12:00 pm Monday, June 6, 2016
Run Oxford held its second annual Splash ’N Dash over the weekend, and its attendance more than tripled what came in the inaugural year.
Its first year brought in 103 racers, but Saturday’s crowd hit 315. Not only are runs popular these days, but the fact the splash run benefited charity was also a big plus. Run Oxford hosted the race and as thank you to the community, it asked runners to bring a book with them that could be donated to More Than a Meal. This year runners brought in at least 500 books that the nonprofit picked up right away to get into the hands of local children.
Run Oxford has only been in existence for about a year, initially formed as a way to give runners a resource to find group runs and like-minded individuals to hit the streets with.
We appreciate the work Run Oxford does not only to keep people healthy, but also to bring resources like books into the community for More Than a Meal. The group is gearing up for a big race this fall, The Great 38, which will benefit the Chucky Mullins scholarship and Palmer Home for Children.
It should be exciting to see what Run Oxford will be doing for the community in the years to come as it gains popularity.