Work together through differences of faith and pray

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A week ago, the world mourned the death of Ali, a fighter, a Muslim, a man of great faith and peace.

Millions watched his funeral and wept as friends, family and world leaders held up this man, this Muslim, and praised him for being one who lived his faith, a man who refused to fight in a war because his faith commanded him to be a man of peace. Jews, Christians and Muslims wept together for Ali. All recognized the importance of his faith in shaping the great man he became.

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Sunday, the world condemned a killer, a man of hate who allegedly claimed support for a radical terrorist group, ISIS. The world joined hands in mourning not this man of hate but the victims in Orlando of his violent act. But in the condemnation of this killer, many may condemn the Muslim faith — a grave mistake for the killer did not represent the Muslim FAITH. Leaders of the Muslim community all across the country quickly condemned this murderous act and stated clearly that his violence has no place in Islam.

I urge all — whatever your faith tradition might be — to work together. Jews, Christians and Muslims — do not hate one another or condemn an entire faith because of the act of a single person. Yes, we must be vigilant regarding hatred and terrorism in its many forms. So, too, let us be vigilant and discerning regarding our great Abrahamic faiths. We are people of faith linked together by love and peace. Do not be quick to condemn all believers because of the action of one, especially one whose own behavior discredits his claim to membership in a faith of peace and love.

Pray for the victims in Orlando, their families and for America.

Kate Roos

Women’s Interfaith

Peace Initiative