Liberal media not to blame for Trump perception, Trump is

Published 12:00 pm Monday, June 20, 2016

Unfortunately I feel that it is Steve Vassallo (“Morning Joe” just doesn’t get it, The EAGLE June 19, 2016) who just doesn’t get it.

After all, it is the mass media that so many people seem to distrust that has actually created the phenomenon we see in Donald Trump. There has been 24-hour coverage of the “Donald” since he announced his run for the presidency and it is not the ”liberal media” that has resulted in negative opinions about Mr. Trump, including comments from conscience-stricken Republicans; rather it is Mr. Trump’s own words, oft quoted by the media, that present a picture of a self-centered individual who cares little about the feeling of others, using his abhorrence of political correctness as an excuse to denigrate anyone who stands in his way and who often uses opposing arguments in a single speech.

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Certainly Hillary Clinton has her problems that seem to be pointed out quite regularly in the news media, which Mr. Vassallo disparages as “liberal.”

Jeff Justis
