VFW awards Teacher of the Year
Published 6:00 am Sunday, September 25, 2016
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3978 awarded one of the three state winners for Teacher of the Year 2015-2016.
Major Harvey Rice of Lafayette High School ROTC program was the local, District and third place winner for the Department of Mississippi VFW.
“There were a large number of teachers eligible and the membership was so honored to have one of our teachers chosen in this competition,” said Gail Wilson. “We are indeed privileged to have instructors as dedicated as Major Rice teaching our sons and daughters.”

VFW Cmdr. and District 10 All-American Quartermaster Gail Wilson, left, recognizes Major Harvey Rice, center, receiving the Outstanding Mississippi Teacher of the Year and monetary award as Dr. Glenn Kitchens, Lafayette High School principal looks on.