The Eagle is committed to Oxford
Published 2:00 am Sunday, March 12, 2017
You may have heard that the Hattiesburg American, the daily newspaper in another university town in Mississippi, is moving from daily publication to three days per week beginning in April.
This change begs the question about the health of other daily newspapers in the state.
That’s why it is important to note that The Oxford Eagle is stronger today than ever before in its history, fully committed to its daily delivery schedule (Sunday through Friday) with eyes on growth rather than the other way around.
Different companies have different ambitions, so we have no doubt that Gannett believes three days a week is best for Hattiesburg, home to the University of Southern Mississippi.
We just feel differently in Oxford, a community on the move that needs a daily newspaper to connect citizens as a forum and source of information.
There’s no denying that the media landscape is changing. Our online audience has tripled in the past eight months, for instance, but we are constantly reminded how much our readers value having The Oxford Eagle delivered to their homes six days a week.
That’s why what happens in Hattiesburg stays in Hattiesburg, as far as Oxford and its daily newspaper are concerned.
We are firmly committed to a long and healthy relationship with our readers, both online and in print six days a week.