Easter Events in Oxford: Egg hunts, worship services, activities
Published 10:08 am Friday, April 14, 2017
- Oxford Park Commission's Easter Egg Hunt at FNC Park in Oxford, Miss. on Saturday, March 26, 2016.
There will be no shortage of ways to celebrate Easter in Oxford this weekend.
If it’s candy-filled eggs and visits with the Easter Bunny you’re looking for, there are several events planned for the LOU community.
The largest egg hunt will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at FNC Park. Sponsored by the Oxford Park Commission, there will be 7,000 eggs for little ones to scramble to pick up and put into their Easter baskets, or in some cases, plastic grocery bags.
The Easter Bunny will make an appearance for pictures at this event. Along with the Easter Egg Hunt, there will be a Touch-A-Truck event where children get a chance to get up close and personal with large vehicles like bulldozers, helicopters, dump trucks, police cars and fire engines.
Each age group will have a special prize egg, said Mike Young with OPC.
“It will be obvious it’s a special egg.”
Inside there will be a note instructing its finder to present the egg for a prize at the concession stand.
The event will take place near the softball field in Quad B.
And don’t be late, Young said.
“The egg hunt starts at 10 o’clock sharp,” he said.
Weather is predicted to be a high of 83 under sunny skies. However, as Mississippi weather is unpredictable, Young said people should check OPC’s website, www.oxfordparkcommission.com, or social media sites for announcements on whether the event is rescheduled due to inclement weather.
Worship service
For those who wish to worship and celebrate Easter outdoors, the Orchard Church and the University of Mississippi Wesley Foundation will have its annual Easter Sunday in the Grove at 11 a.m. Orchard Pastor Pat Ward said more than 1,000 people attended last year’s event.
“It’s such an easy place to connect with more people from our community,” he said.
Ward said some people who don’t have a regular church might feel more comfortable coming to a service outdoors, while others just enjoy celebrating the holiday in the world God has made for them.
“Many people come and bring a picnic lunch and just enjoy being outside,” Ward said.
The church’s band will play worship music during the service. There will be an Easter message, some spoken word poetry, and a baptism.
All details can be found at TheOrchardOxford.net/Easter.
Other Easter events
Oxford University United Methodist Church will conduct an Easter Sunday service at 10 a.m. in the Oxford High School gym.
— Brookdale Oxford assisted living facility will hold an egg hunt at noon today. Refreshments will be served. Brookdale is located at 100 Azalea Drive.
— The Ole Miss chapter of Autism SpeaksU invites all children for an Easter Egg Hunt in the Grove on Saturday, April 15 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Come enjoy the morning and hunt for eggs! There is no cost for this event. For more information contact: autismspeaksuolemiss@gmail.com.