Oxford demonstrators march in support of science
Published 2:00 am Sunday, April 23, 2017
- Participants in a "March for Science" walk from the University of Mississippi to the Square on Saturday. (Bruce Newman, Oxford Eagle via AP)
Oxford was one of three cities in Mississippi and 600 across the nation who participated Saturday in a March for Science.
Approximately 100 people of all ages carried signs and marched a 1-mile route through the Grove, headed east on University Avenue, then north on South Lamar Boulevard. The march ended with a gathering on the Square.
Marches were also planned in Long Beach and Hattiesburg as part of a global demonstration in support of science.
Another march that had been planned for outside the state Capitol in Jackson was postponed because of a threatening weather forecast.
The demonstrations are meant to highlight the critical role that science has in everyday life.
Each march around the U.S. sought to reaffirm core values of science.
“Science protects the health of our communities, the safety of our families, the education of our children, the foundation of our economy and jobs, and the future we all want to live in and preserve for coming generations,” said Luca Bombelli, chair and professor of physics and astronomy at Ole Miss.
“Science is a tool of discovery that allows us to constantly expand and revise our knowledge of the universe. In doing so, science serves the interests of all humans.”
March for Science supporters contend that science education teaches children and adults to think critically, ask questions and evaluate truth based on the weight of evidence.
“Science promotes diversity and inclusion and builds robust and resilient communities for the benefit of all people,” Bombelli said. “Science makes our democracy stronger.”