Oxford approves rate hike for trash collection
Published 5:28 am Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Oxford residents and business owners will soon see a rise in their trash collection bill after the Oxford Board of Aldermen approved the first rate hike in 10 years on Tuesday.
Residential trash collection will go up from $18 a month to $21 a month.
Environmental Services Superintendent Amberlyn Liles presented the changes earlier this month during a first reading of the proposed ordinance change. On Tuesday, a public hearing was held on the rate hike and no one spoke out for or against the change.
Generally, the aldermen have three readings of any new ordinance or amended ordinance; however, they are only required by law to have two readings, as long as the second one is a public hearing.
The proposed increase would bring in an additional $182,839 in revenue.
Increases for dumpster collections were also approved. Currently the rate for trash collection from an 8-yard dumpster once a week is $87 a month. In the proposed rate change, it would $100 a month.
Pickup rates for recycling dumpsters will increase from $30 to $35 a month for once-a-week pickup for 8-yard dumpsters and from $107 a month for 10-yard Dumpster to $123 for once-a-week pickup.
The rate increase will go into effect in 30 days.
In other business Tuesday, the board:
•Adopted proclamations declaring Sept. 30, 2017, as “Lake McLarty Elliott Day,” in honor of the 105-year-old former first lady of Oxford; declaring Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week and declaring Oxford as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
•Accepted a bid for $140,000 for new Municipal Court software
•Approved a brown-bag permit for Moe’s Original BBQ
•Approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Oxford Police Department and the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office for the two agencies to work together in an effort to stop internet crimes against children
•Approved a final plat amendment for Cedar Bend subdivision
•Approved a final plat amendment for Grand Oaks, Phase 3
•Approved the final plat for Isom Hill subdivision
•Approved sending a completed environmental study on West Oxford Loop extension to the Mississippi Department of Transportation for their review.