City says OK to golf carts on streets; State Legislature has final say
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 21, 2018
If the Mississippi Legislature approves the city of Oxford’s request for a local and private bill to allow golf carts on certain roads, golfers in Grand Oaks will soon be allowed to legally drive on the roads around the subdivision’s golf course.
On Tuesday, the Oxford Board of Aldermen voted to approve an ordinance change that sets the rules allowing golf carts on public roads that are for private use.
If the request for the local and private bill is granted within the next month, the local ordinance could go into effect in 30 days.
A local and private bill is a proposal for a law that would apply to an individual or group of individuals, or corporate entity – in this case, Oxford, which is unlike public bills which apply to everyone in the state.
The ordinance requires golf cart owners to have a valid driver’s license and insurance on the cart. Carts would have to remain on the shoulder of the roads, or within painted cart path or bike lanes, which would be painted at the expense of the developer.
Golf carts would only be allowed to be operated on city streets 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset at no more than 20 mph. At a minimum, golf carts shall be equipped with efficient brakes, reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, a rear-view mirror, red reflectorized warning devices on the rear and white reflectorized warning device on the front of the vehicle.
Attached to the ordinance is a listing of street names – all within Grand Oaks – where the carts would be allowed on public streets.
Currently, only the Grand Oaks planned unit development has public roads with access to golf facilities. Others, like The Links, are only private roads.
The ordinance states that golf carts will be operated according to traffic rules and regulations adopted by the state of Mississippi and the city of Oxford.
There are already some state laws to allow golf carts on city streets; however, they currently must be registered as a motor vehicle with a tag, turning signals and headlights. Vehicles for hire, like Flying Tuk, are held under the taxi regulations and require security cameras, $1 million in insurance and other requirements.