OPD extends vehicle take-home policy
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, March 21, 2018
To increase the longevity of its vehicles, the Oxford Police Department has extended its vehicle take-home policy to law enforcement officers living outside of the city limits of Oxford.
OPD started its vehicle take-home policy a couple of years ago. However, only officers living inside the city limits could apply to take their vehicle home after their shift ended.
On Tuesday, during the Oxford Board of Aldermen meeting, Chief Joey East asked for approval to extend the program, allowing officers who are living outside of the city, but within Lafayette County, to take their vehicles home.
“This is going to help us with our fleet management and maintaining the longevity of our vehicles,” East said. “It helps us cut down on having to buy new vehicles as often.”
Vehicles that are not assigned to an officer to take home are used 24 hours a day.
“When you’re able to take the vehicle home, they park the vehicle for 12 or more hours,” East said. “We’re trying to get some downtime on some of our vehicles.”
Allowing officers to take home vehicles also provides increased police visibility in neighborhoods and can provide quicker response times by on and off-duty officers to certain incidents, according to OPD’s take-home policy.
Officers can use the vehicle for limited personal use, like picking up milk on the way home; however, no unauthorized people are allowed in the vehicle other than someone picked up in the performance of police duties. When off duty, the cars must remain inside Lafayette County and officers are expected to maintain the vehicles and keep them clean.