City’s trust fund sees strong growth
Published 9:38 am Friday, July 9, 2021
The Oxford Reserve and Trust Fund Committee announced the trust fund has increased to $39,630,997 as of March 31, 202.
The announcement was made at Tuesday’s Board of Alderman.
There was a 17% percent increase in the fund from March 31, 2020, when the fund sat at $33,819,000. The fiscal year for the fund runs from April 1 to March 31.
The trust generated $831,000 after taking into account expenses, management, investment and counter-professional and attorney fees.
As of this year’s term, 51% of the fund is allocated for fixed income securities such as bonds, corporate bonds and governmental bonds and the other 49% is for equities.
The overall asset returns for the years was found to be 18.24% compared to 2020’s negative return of 0.5%.
As of March 31, 2021, the maximum distribution the city of Oxford is eligible for under the trust agreement is $1,188,930.
In 2012, Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi sold its old hospital to the city and Lafayette County in order to build a new one. It gave the city and county $30 million dollars each. Oxford invested the entire $30 million into the city’s trust.
The Oxford trust fund helps pay for city projects not initially covered by the official budget.