Ready or not Christmas is comin’
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 22, 2022
By Jan Penton Miller
Bing Crosby croons out a tune while my little dachshund, Missy, dreams of sugarplums while snuggling in her cozy bed near the fire. Gifts have been purchased, wrapped, and placed under the tree in anticipation of those big smiles when the room is scattered with colorful wrappings.
But stockings are not hung! I need to get to that because ready or not Christmas is a comin’.
It’s a little exciting to be out in the fray doing last minute shopping and such so just maybe I purposely leave a few things unfinished until the days before the 25th grow short.
Most of us tend to create the same beloved recipes year after year with a new one or two thrown in for good measure. I always think of Christmas past when those smells begin to fill my kitchen, and it never fails to bring wonderful memories of loved ones no longer with us.
For me, one of the simplest yet most enjoyable traditions is riding around looking at Christmas lights. I never tire of the displays both humble and grand that folks spend time and money preparing. Some displays seem to cover every available square inch of space and although impressive often don’t compare with the more modest ones.
This year my grandson, Aidan, is deployed so my thoughts and prayers will be with him wherever he is. I know that it is a matter of national security to keep those sailors’ whereabouts secret, but it always makes me wonder where that fellow is. It is comforting to know that our Heavenly Father has eyes on Aidan at all times, and I put my trust in the one whose birth we celebrate to keep my sailor safe.
The frigid weather coming in the next few days will give us a chance of a white Christmas! Wouldn’t that be something? But the Grinch figured it out quite well. The presents, food, and even our wonderful traditions don’t come close to making Christmas. All the things we do mean nothing if we don’t remember the Savior whose birth we celebrate.