Is not God greater than all this?
Published 2:00 pm Saturday, December 24, 2022
- Steve Stricker is an Oxford resident and received his Ph.D. in Counseling from Ole Miss. He can be reached at
By Steve Stricker
In 1897 an 8-year-old girl wrote a letter to the New York’s “Sun” newspaper asking if there was a Santa Claus, and veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church responded with his famous editorial that we all know and cherish.
It was difficult to write this and not disclose facts about our traditions and beliefs, so use good judgment if you or loved ones should read further.
Do I believe in Santa Claus? Absolutely. Have I ever truly seen him? No.
Nonetheless, gifts appeared under our Christmas tree as a child with mostly what I asked Santa for.
I don’t recall trauma about the true nature of Kris Kringle (as I did the Easter Bunny) divulged no doubt by my young classmates and discerning that Santa had a long history steeped in legend – still believed because only pure goodness can brighten the eyes of youths or swell hearts of we non-youths.
There were years when I had no gifts to open, but Saint Nick knew I was okay.
Others needed gifts more than me, and I focused on the birth of our Lord.
Christmas over, gifts remaining in his sleigh, like last year, found their way to me and were delightful.
One Christmas far from home, Santa gifted me with escaping mortars, rockets, many other life-threatening events for over a frightful year, and brought me thankfully, safely home in his 707 sleigh/Santa encourages we soldiers to help him provide gifts when he can’t – in return allows us to experience the unconditional love he receives selflessly giving to others, but cautions this love can overwhelm our reason and financial limits.
Gifts from the heart don’t have to be expensive – like the homemade fudge a dear church friend gifted me last Sunday, modestly wrapped, not had for decades since my hero mom, Gert.
And a gifted smile or kind word from us to someone starved for these free gestures, are priceless.
Christmas, not New Year’s, I reflect on me, and adjust, because it’s the beginning again of our Lord’s birth, a fresh start, as on Wednesday’s Winter Solstice when the sun stopped furthest south and reversed from first day of winter back to
Nature rests for the winter (although quite active now) as we retreat from yard work and prepares to burst forth in Spring.
If you believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, and other such things by faith why not our Lord who you cannot see, born at Christmas, risen from the dead at Easter, with gifts for us beyond our imagination?
Is not God greater than all this, ye of little faith?
Merry Christmas, believe in a Miracle – and, amen, “Swing Your Sword.”
Steve is an Oxford resident, worked on Campus, received his Ph.D. in Counseling from Ole Miss, is an LPC, NCC, and can be reached at