Another summer of fun awaits
Published 1:43 pm Wednesday, May 17, 2023
By Jan Penton-Miller
It was a beautiful day after all the rain of late and a perfect time to head to the Burg. Anne picked me up and off we went for a day of shopping with a little lunch thrown in.
Rolling down the highway we caught up on what news we had. We are at that time in life where we get what “No news is good news” means!
So we shared little pleasantries of what’s been going on.
We decided to nix the Montana trip for this year, but go to Nashville instead. We both enjoy country music so Music City sounds like a good place to revisit.
I haven’t been to Nashville for fun in a long while so I’m really looking forward to it. The last time I went there it was to a school convention, and the riverboat musical cruise was a blast so we put that on our
prospective itinerary.
Anne wants to stay at that big fancy hotel with all the fountains. We are both stumped about the name, but thank goodness for Google! Together we figured out it was the Opryland Hotel.
Last time I visited the Wild Horse Saloon, which sounds way wilder than it is. You can stop in and get a bite to eat, and take group line dance lessons while you are there. All ages are on the dance floor.
Some are solid dancers while others not so great, but everyone has a good time and nobody gives prizes anyway. I can work really hard to get the steps down, but without practice those steps evade me after I leave. But it’s fun to give it a try anyway.
With all the kids soon to be out of school for summer the road-trips will be on for sure. My grandson will be going to scout camp soon. I can’t believe he is growing up so fast, but he will still let me steal a little
kiss when no one is watching.
Gauge was excited to find out that his scout camp and church camp were not going to coincide so that was a big blessing. I’m reminded of that old hymn called “Count Your Blessings.”
Another summer of fun is indeed a blessing. My cousins are coming for a long overdue visit, and I can’t wait. Life is never perfect, but every day gives us much to be thankful for.
Write to Jan Penton-Miller at