DAR chapter celebrates Constitution Week
Published 8:44 am Wednesday, September 13, 2023
- Constitution (Anthony Garand/Unsplash)
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
Communities across the nation will celebrate the spirit and meaning of the country’s Constitution beginning Sept. 17.
On this date in 1787, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution of the United States of America: the document that speaks to American liberties, freedoms, and our inalienable rights and setting forth the framework for the federal government that is still in use today.
In Oxford, the David Reese Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsor the commemoration of the Constitution by distributing educational materials to our schools, inviting the public to view a display at the local library, and placing posters around town.
Join us in celebrating the living document that upholds and protects the freedoms central to our American way of life.
Melinda Freeman, Regent
David Reese Chapter
National Society DAR