Cofield’s Corner

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2023

By John Cofield

Midtown Shopping Center was Oxford’s big jump into the modern age of 1970s’ shopping centers. Moms arrived ready for one-stop shopping and the kids rolled in on bikes. Many went to TG&Y and bought their first 45 record, I did. 

Sears had shining new appliances and I was with Dad when the family got a new refrigerator. It was double-doored and we were uptown at midtown. 

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West’s had all kinds of items and Midtown employed a good many high schoolers. 

Mom was a Jitney Jungle customer but Liberty was close for the small needs and I made the trip a good many times. 

Midtown is still there, thriving. Many businesses have lived there, but the original set of signs across the front always brings back memories of the ’70s and our fancy new shopping center.