Always the best part of the day at home

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, October 4, 2023

By Bonnie Brown

No matter what time I go to sleep, I always seem to wake up at 6 a.m. every day.  I always think about trying to go back to sleep but I’m already wide awake and thinking about the cup of coffee I’ll be having in just minutes.  I also like to see my corner of the world coming to life and the early morning sunrise.   The day is full of possibilities.  I always have a “to-do” list that becomes more of a “hope I get around to it list” as my day progresses.  I enjoy our routine in the morning.  Tom and I have coffee, watch the news, then Tom takes our dog, Carly, for her morning walk while I prepare breakfast.  It’s the best time of the day.  

Then as I begin my day in earnest, I dress, apply some makeup, brush Carly, and tidy up.  I begin tackling whatever is on my mind of things I hope to get done before lunch.  As I walk from one room into another, my well-thought-out plan takes a detour.  I find something else that needs attention and so it goes.  I love the luxury that retirement provides in allowing such flexibility in my routine.  It’s the best time of the day.  

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After lunch, we settle in to view the noonday news.  And, of course, a full tummy mellows me so that I’m ready to lie down and relax and sometimes nap.  Carly is nearby and Tom is stretched out in his easy chair.  It’s the best time of the day.  

After a little siesta, the household rallies and I begin again to tackle those little chores that make me feel happy and accomplished.  I have a battery-powered stick vacuum that is so easy to run across the more-traveled areas of the floor.  I don’t call it vacuuming, but rather that I’m “dancing” with the stick!  Doesn’t seem like work at all.  I may do some reading later.  Best part of my day!

It’s dinner time now.  We have been doing what we wanted to accomplish at our own pace.  Usually, we have a light dinner and after, it is my turn to go out with Carly.  She is eager to go sniffing about to see if there are any new smells since earlier in the day.  If we’re lucky, we run across a neighbor and have a nice visit.  It’s the best part of the day. 

I start my wind-down routine by setting out our coffee cups and prepare for the morning coffee routine.  I then get ready for my shower.  I like a nice warm, even hot shower.  It’s almost like a massage and I feel relaxed and squeaky clean when I emerge and slip into my nightgown.  It’s the best part of the day.

Tom and I will then find some favorite TV programs to watch.  We both might also be checking our electronic devices.  Carly is watching for the cue to tell her it’s time for bed.  So, the TV is turned off and we prepare for bed.   We will watch some TV, then lights out.  Before I fall asleep, I think of our sons, our daughters-in-law, the grands, our extended family, and friends who are so loved.  I am truly counting my blessings.  It’s the best part of the day!