Supervisors meet routinely, hear Harmontown suggestions

Published 6:40 am Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Lafayette County Board of Supervisors, in their meeting on Nov. 6, handled routine matters, including approvals of law enforcement officials’ travel for training, equipment procurement for the Road Department, and a modification to a grant for the county’s firing range expansion.

Joel Hollowell, reporting on the progress of the Lafayette County Animal Shelter project, told the board that the shelter construction is currently below the projected budget. Construction materials have arrived, and the foundation is expected to be laid next week.

Public input was heard from Jeff Dupuis, a resident of Harmontown, who addressed the board regarding the economic redevelopment of his community. He suggested the installation of security cameras in high-crime areas, and consideration for utilizing county detention center inmates for litter removal in Harmontown, similar to programs near Oxford.

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