Senior Day road trip with the family
Published 7:15 am Wednesday, April 24, 2024
- Harold Brummett
By Harold Brummett
Denmark Star Route
My sister Genell asked if I was going to Senior Day (S.AL.T. – Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) in Pontotoc and there wer no appointments on the calendar, and Angie said yes so off we went.
The event was held in the Pontotoc County Agriculture Arena and the floor had been rolled to a walkable hard consistency. We signed in and got our ticket for the door prizes. The north and west side of the arena was lined with services for seniors. Everything from hospice care to insurance of various types, home health, to just about anything a senior citizen might need.
Bags and handouts were free and all types of gewgaws and thingamajigs filled the bags. As we looked over the tables set up with vendors, I spoke to several veterans and reminisced about our time in the military, different places, different times, different branches but a common theme of service.
Sitting at a conventional table and chairs we watched in dismay as a picnic table was overcome by gravity and the fulcrum effect of everyone sitting on one side. Surprise and embarrassment was followed by quick action from those nearby and a sand floor insured nothing but pride was damaged.
The music was gospel and several excellent singers graced the stage. The main attraction however was Sheriff Leo Mask and his County Mounties. The Sheriff and his band selections were heavy on Waylon and Willie as well as other music a generation or two ago.
In my opinion, they were very good and knew their music craft well.
It was reported that the meal was partially provided by a garden that the inmates at the local jail grew in their spare time. Some inmates had a lot of spare time. I had seen some inmates picking up trash off the highways during the late fall, winter, and suppose that was the main gainful employment during the non-growing season.
It was country food, peas, cornbread, okra and chicken tenders with various desserts. Students from North Pontotoc, South Pontotoc and Pontotoc city served the meal.
None in our party won a door prize. The prizes varied from recliners to flowers. The Pontotoc community really chipped in to make the event special, give out good information for seniors and provide a day away from their routine. I thanked Genell for inviting me and we discussed what the next outing would be.
Next week is the Flywheel Festival in Houston. A bi-annual event, it has old tractors, tractor pulls, anvil shooting and if you are lucky you will see the old gin engine fire off and run. There are playgrounds and events for the kids as well as antiques, “hit and miss’ engines for the grownups.
Attire is country comfortable and it is not unusual to see overalls and softball caps.
Double Decker is fine, but the sound of a diesel under a full load or a hit and miss engine is music as well.