Blessed to know some good ‘town dogs’

Published 10:35 am Wednesday, May 29, 2024

By Harold Brummett
Denmark Star Route

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. (Mark Twain)

These are a couple of my favorite “town” dogs.

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Trudy is a lady. French by heritage, bulldog by type with the disposition of an aristocrat. Trudy owns a person by the name of Amy Knotts. Trudy has an entire train of devotees. Trudy works at Bette’s flowers.

Trudy’s presence there gives the shop a certain “un air de sophistication.”

Trudy does not lie down, she reclines. Trudy, blessed with an immaculate brown coat naturally short, just perfect for rubbing, petting and appreciating. Many admirers stop by to visit Trudy, like the teller from Oxford University Bank who when she cannot bring Trudy a treat, or Trudy cannot stop by, tribute is sent by way of Camille or Amy.

Camille Garrett is the second-generation owner of Bette’s flowers with Amy Knotts a long-time friend.

Amy stopped to help on a busy Valentine’s day 16 years ago. Camille said she lost a good customer when Amy came to work at Bette’s. Trudy does not greet customers until Amy says it is all right and formal introductions made. The words that Trudy absolutely detests are ugly and bad. Trudy is a beauty in her own right and she is never a bad dog. The very mention of these words used anywhere in a sentence with any inflection draws Trudy to the very edge of bad and ugly but being of regal bearing Trudy lets her displeasure known in her own special way.

Always a lady Trudy understands more than she lets on and adjusts the attitude of people in her sphere of influence by subtle manipulation. Trudy has found her place in the world. She occupies her space at Bette’s and is happy there.

Henry is three-fourths boxer and one-fourth labrador. A smooth black coat with white markings on his chest with a square-jawed boxer head makes Henry a very handsome fellow.

Henry has found his place in the world with Neal Hodge. Neil owns and manages Neal Hodge Automotive Innovations east of Oxford on Highway 6.

An Air Force aircraft technician veteran, Neal is a second-generation mechanic. There is no doubt that Neal could fix anything. Henry manages the shop in his own way, generally staying in the office but occasionally making a round or two to check on how the work is progressing and check on Neal. If Neal is not busy, Henry has him throw a ball.

This is Henry’s way of relieving Neal of stress. Henry is a good friend. While he cannot turn a wrench, Henry ensures proper priorities are in place such as friendship, loyalty, devotion and love. Mechanical or technical problems are not Henry’s forte but when a problem seems unsolvable, a pet on the head or a rub down Henry’s back gives one the pause needed to relook problems and find solutions. Henry has his own way of fixing things.

Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. (MarkTwain)