
Enjoy traditions, remember to give thanks

By Bonnie Brown Columnist Our approaching American holiday, Thanksgiving, is all about food, family, football, and traditions. Not ...


Recliner Blues are only temporary, life is good

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist   As I write this, it is early Saturday evening in Paris, Mississippi. ...


Opinions are everywhere, even on car bumpers

By Steve Stricker Columnist   This has been a weird spring, summer, fall and expectations of winter are ...


Some titles are more majestic than others

By Bonnie Brown Columnist I retired from full-time employment in 2003, then worked part-time until 2016.  I am ...


Sibling rivalry and the blessing of family

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist   Mom and Dad have four children: two boys and two girls. Mom ...


Cofield’s Corner

By John Cofield   I have written about Angelo Mistilis more than once, and I plan to continue ...


Tech gains, problems since that first radio

By Bonnie Brown Columnist We have been experiencing a lot of new technology in our lives recently.  It’s ...


Dedication highlight of Good Ole this year

By Harold Brummett Denmark Star Route The Good Ole Boys and Gals get-together was Oct. 2. The crowd ...


Nuclear Treadmill Test Day is spooky, too

By Steve Stricker Columnist Tomorrow is Halloween.  As a huge introvert and “surfeit” of other stuff – I ...


Age is an issue of mind over matter

By Bonnie Brown Columnist As I navigate the era of being a “senior citizen” I find it more ...


Marriages, funerals, and old knives

By Harold Brummett Denmark Star Route My nephew Ricky Caldwell married Dianna Parimore. The ceremony took place at ...


Against all odds, we made it through

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist Christmas 2011 was a Christmas I hope never to repeat. Two and a ...


There truly is a time for everything

By Steve Stricker  Columnist  Seems this is an unexpected “PS” to my Letter to God from last week….  ...


Cofield’s Corner

By John Cofield   A character if ever there was one, Will “Big E” Atkinson left a legacy ...


A touching invention that changed transportation

By Gene Hays MSgt, USMC (Ret) When Sam was born, people wrote letters, and it was a letter ...


Churchill was right about the game of golf

By Bonnie Brown Columnist My husband Tom loves golf.  He has played since he was a youngster.  When ...


Kind words are like honey – sweet and healthy

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist   Writing is challenging and enjoyable for me. It’s challenging to write something ...


Open letter of gratitude for all things

By Steve Stricker Columnist Dear God:  I am a mess.  Thank you for a somewhat peaceful, restful night ...


Life is hard but beautiful still

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist I am not a fan of October 10th. For most folks, it is ...


Enjoy the night sounds while they last

By Bonnie Brown Columnist As cooler weather presents itself to us in the form of cooler temperatures and ...


Cofield’s Corner: Favorite townies remembered

My brother, Glenn Cofield, stated many times that what makes Oxford the special place it is can be ...


The hierarchy of the T-shirt closet

By Steve Stricker Columnist Ah, Fall and my wardrobe choices have more than doubled! Reviving my column from ...

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