French Camp Academy gallery showcases ‘Space Art and Astrophotography’ exhibit

Published 10:58 am Tuesday, August 29, 2023

FRENCH CAMP, Miss. — The Main Street Art Gallery at French Camp Academy is now a haven for sky gazers and art enthusiasts alike with its new exhibition, “Space Art and Astrophotography.” Open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, the free exhibit is located at the Welcome Center in downtown French Camp.

The exhibit showcases stunning astronomical images captured at the Rainwater Observatory by astrophotographers across the U.S. It also features space art by Edwin Faughn, director of Rainwater Observatory and renowned space artist.

Uniting Science and Art

Astrophotography and space art, while both capturing celestial phenomena, differ in technique and purpose. Astrophotography involves long-exposure photography to capture objects like planets, galaxies and star clusters. It demands precision optics and complex telescope mounts for exposure times ranging from minutes to hours.

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The gallery presents works from prominent astrophotographers, including Fred Howell, Bill Kennedy and Jon Talbot, among others. Their images can also be found on the Rainwater Observatory’s website.

Space art, on the other hand, is rooted in science but not science fiction. Edwin Faughn’s artwork in the exhibit is created using oils, acrylics and digital media. His art depicts real astronomical events, underpinned by extensive scientific research to maintain accuracy.

For more information on Edwin Faughn’s work, visit his website.

For more details about the exhibit, contact Edwin Faughn at Rainwater Observatory by phone at 662-547-7283 or by email at