Latest Our View


Our View

The qualifying period for city elections ended on Friday. In June, there will be only one contested race—for ...


Our View: Winter Storm Cora

North Mississippi weather definitely keeps us on our toes. Last week, the weather reports changed almost hourly—first predicting ...

Our View

Our View: 2025

As we venture into the second quarter of the millennium, it’s hard to believe that the first 25 ...


Our View: “Twas the Night Before Christmas in Oxford

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Square, Not a creature was stirring; no bustle, no ...


Our View: Walk of Lights

Visit Oxford is the city’s department dedicated to attracting visitors to dine in our restaurants and stay in ...


Our View

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives and to express gratitude for the ...

Our View

Our view

Oxford embraced the holiday season a little early this year, as the downtown square now looks like a ...


Our View

Some people feel like their vote doesn’t matter because of the electoral college system.  While political scientists and ...


Our View

Lafayette County Animal Shelter should be open soon, according to county officials.  Last month, board president Brent Larson ...


Our View: Preventing ‘brain drain’

Brain drain, where educated individuals leave their home region for better opportunities elsewhere, is a growing concern for ...


Our View: ‘Progress is a pain’

Driving down University Avenue, you may have noticed new “Road Work” signs popping up. The project underway is ...


Our View: Rise in trash bill needed; More notice also needed

The Lafayette County Board of Supervisors voted Monday morning to raise the monthly rate for trash collection for ...

Our View

Molly Barr roundabouts tricky but necessary

If you have not driven on Molly Barr near Highway 7, you are in for a bit of ...

Our View

Our View

We’ve always known there’s something special about Oxford and the University of Mississippi. Now, the nation knows as ...


OUR VIEW: Confederate Heritage Month a relic of the past

Another April has come and gone, and with it the usual outcry over Confederate Heritage Month. Again, as ...


OUR VIEW: Free Diapers, Period Products a remarkable Service to Community 

CASA of Lafayette County and Mid-South Food Bank are partnering to give away some of the most essential ...


OUR VIEW: Animal Shelter in danger of history repeating itself

Oxford is getting out of the animal shelter business after the third-party organization running the facility failed to ...


OUR VIEW: Is lifting executive orders a premature decision?

Editor’s note: The editorial below has been altered following recent events and differs from the version printed in ...


OUR VIEW: Shelter animals should never live in poor conditions

The latest allegations made against Oxford animal shelter Mississippi Critterz are shocking and, frankly, unacceptable – almost as unacceptable as ...


OUR VIEW: A photo opportunity does not equal complicity

The United States Capitol Building was laid under siege one week ago today in a riot that left ...


OUR VIEW: Reeves using deceptive strategy for public vaccine rollout

When news of the COVID-19 vaccine’s upcoming availability to Mississippians over age 65 broke on Monday, many people ...


OUR VIEW: Lynching victims innocent until proven guilty

The conversation surrounding lynching victims in Lafayette County has been ongoing for years, but this week advocates for ...

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